Saturday 13 September 2008

FINAL PROJECT (Foundation Diploma in Art and Design)

THEORETICAL STUDY (..fragments..)

"MERI ZYNDEGI"(My vision of Indian Culture and Symbolism)
interview with Barbara Owczarek, foundation student in Blake College.. (2008)

Could you describe me what is your project about?
In my final project, I decided to present my vision of Indian culture and symbolism. I had few options to choose from, and I decided to go for my main interest, animation. It shows my personal view on culture, with focus on romance in the story.
Why did you decide to include dance in it?
I find dance to be most graceful form of art. I chose Kathak (traditional Indian dance) simply, because its translation means "to tell the story". And animation is all about storytelling through visualisation(...)
So where the idea came from? I mean what inspired you to choose Indian culture?
I used to live in Southall for some time in the past, and had the opportunity to watch Indian lifestyle, culture, listen to traditional music. I've seen lots of festivals and local shows with costumes and dance. And as I'm interested in foreign cultures and languages, I couldnt resist myself to learn more about it. I joined dance classes and started to learn Hindi basics. It really caught my heart and I thought it would be good idea share my interests and to present them in my project. That gave me posibility to learn about this beautiful, colourful country. It is so different from my culture, so misterious. And I think that is what attracts me(...)
You decided to mix two types of animation:stop-motion with traditional
Yes. I wanted to combine these two to show the contrast between past and present. Stop-motion seems to be sharper, significant- to underline present, reality.
Traditional suggests memories; its more flawy, free, dreamy- it shows past ( something what had happened and cannot be changed. Something what stays only in memories- so its blurry)
Can you describe what the story is about and what does the title mean?
Of course. "Meri Zyndegi" means "my life". I used Hindi language instead of English. I thought it would be more suitable and mystical. All action takes place in India so I wanted to keep same climate. Of course, movie is not about my life, but Sonia's (main bohater). She grew up in a small village, together with her friend, Karen. They bothwere going to Kathak dance classes (which are very popular in south India). Because it was a small village, they spent most of time together- Kathak needs to be practised every day.
As they grew, they start to perform professionaly- as a duet. Whenever they were free from classess, they used to go to near forest- where they admired amazing mountain view. And that's how their love start growing..
Karen and Sonia were best Kathak duet on every competition. Not only they performed technically well, but their love caused such confidence, grace and balance, that they did not fear anything. They were unseparatable.
However one day, when their final performance was about to reach finally, tragedy happened. On the stage, where they were dancing, construction with lights fall straight onto Karen. In the last second, Karen pushed Sonia away, saving her life..
Now, Sonia's life remains empty, hopeless. She stays in her room dreaming of Karen and remembering past. She cannot dance anymore. Everything reminds her of the accident...
But what happened to Karen? Did he die?
..That's the mistery Im going to leave unexplained. I want audience to wonder and feel curious about the details(...)

Apart from above article, I owe original version of book with all the details and explanation of the symbolism and process of making of my animation. With any questions ( if you are interested in some of my secrets of production) please contact me. I will be happy to answer.